Author Jon Quint’s New Book, Oh, the Stories I Can Tell

Author Jon Quint’s New Book, Oh, the Stories I Can Tell
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Woodbury, CT, September 16, 2024 — Jon Quint, a loving husband and father, as well as the founder of North Forty Pest Control Co., has completed his new book, “Oh, the Stories I Can Tell: 25 Years in the Nuisance Wildlife Control Business”: an engaging memoir that provides a unique and entertaining perspective on the often-overlooked field of wildlife control, showcasing the highs, lows, and unexpected moments experienced over a distinguished twenty-five-year career.

A lifelong resident of Woodbury, Connecticut, author Jon Quint attended the University of Connecticut in Storrs, Connecticut, where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in geology. After spending over thirty years in corporate America doing production planning work, he decided he had had enough of working for other people and started North Forty Pest Control Co., LLC. In 2022, he retired and sold the business to his grandson Jordan. He also kept honeybees for over thirty-five years, and at his peak, he had sixty-two hives. Currently, he still lives in Woodbury with his wife.

“This book details my twenty-five years of dealing with nuisance wildlife complaints on just about everything, from the almost life threatening to the absolutely hilarious,” writes Quint. “It also talks about dealing with customers, some of whom have knowledge while some have absolutely no clue what is going on.”

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